Are Safe and Instant Cures for Eczema Actually Available?
The terribly irritating symptoms associated with eczema can affect people’s ability to function normally sending them looking for safe and instant cures for eczema.
In the interest of being totally transparent, there really isn’t a true “cure” for eczema. However, our goal here is to get it totally under control so the symptoms go away or only occur very infrequently. When you are committed to doing this, the results can be quite satisfying.
Eczema is one of the skin conditions that are brought about by factors such as genetics and unhealthy environmental conditions. Some of the symptoms that are associated with this condition include skin redness, swelling, rashes, oozing and itching. All these symptoms are uncomfortable and irritating to the affected person and this is one of the reasons why an affected person needs to seek treatment immediately. The condition may affect a person’s ability to function normally and this is why people are always on the lookout for safe and instant cures for eczema.
Prevention and using safe proven treatments are the best source for curing eczema.
The first thing you need to do when looking to cure eczema is start off by dealing with the itchiness and other symptoms to stop it from spreading. Prevention is always the best bet and you need to make sure you are eating a healthy diet to boost your immunity levels. You also need to get enough rest for your body to function at its best. If you are already affected, you definitely want to find out what treatments or cures for eczema exist.
Here are some of the ways that you can go about curing your eczema:
1. It helps to be flexible when it comes to choosing your clothes.
The itchiness can be aggravated by the type of clothes you wear as well as the weather conditions during certain parts of the year. Naturally, this can vary greatly depending on where you live. You need to pick clothes that are comfortable to fit the particular time of the year. Cotton clothes are by far the most preferred because of their softness and lighter weights. Wool clothing should absolutely be avoided because of its abrasiveness that can irritate delicate skin. Avoid wearing dirty clothes as well as clothes that might have mites. Extreme cold or hot as well as strong winds may make eczema worse by causing irritation to the skin.
2. Take a bath on a regular basis and ensure that your skin stays moisturized.
People with eczema are known to have dry skin and this is one of the reasons why it is important for you to ensure that the skin stays moisturized. This prevents cracks and flakes which are known to cause more itching thus making eczema worse. Make use of natural mild products that don’t have chemical ingredients that can irritate the skin. Lotions and creams that contain vitamin E and aloe vera are excellent for this. Try to avoid most any product that has perfumes or abrasives as ingredients.
3. Avoid taking an excessive number of baths or showers and always use warm, not hot water.
People who suffer from eczema may be tempted to take more baths with the intention of removing any germs and bacteria that may be on the skin. Taking excessive baths or showers may end up worsening the situation. The reason is that you may be drying out your skin by removing the natural oils that are there. Also, it is because the skin can end up reacting from the chemicals and ingredients which are used to make the soaps and cleansers.
This again is why you need to moisturize after each bath or shower and avoid conventional soaps and shampoos that have lots of unnatural chemicals, dyes, and perfumes as ingredients. Try to find natural products especially those that include oatmeal as an ingredient. You can also use natural oils such as coconut oil or olive oil. They are great for sealing in the moisture on your skin. Reapply a few times each day and before bed.
Here is the list of products the Dr. refers to in the video for your convenience. Dr. Anderson’s recommended moisturizers: CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion… Cetaphil Restoraderm… Vanicream Moisturizing Skin Cream… Udo’s Choice Dietary Supplement:
4. Have your doctor do a series of skin allergy tests to see what might be causing the eczema issues.
Getting a skin allergy test will help you determine the right kind of treatment or foods to eat to help you in overcoming the situation. Going for a test will help you discover the real reason for your eczema attacks so that you can avoid them in the future.
If you can’t or won’t do the allergy tests, then take a serious look at the foods you eat. Do you eat a lot of sugar or foods that contain sugar such as soda, candy, pastries, or fruit juice? Do you eat a lot of rice, pasta, bread, baked goods that have lots of carbohydrates? If so the first place to start is to cut way back on the consumption or even eliminate them totally. Another place to look is at dairy products, eggs, and soy. These are known products that cause allergic reactions in many people so they are a good place to start by removing them from your diet and seeing if the symptoms decrease or go away. You may need to give it 3-4 weeks to start seeing results so don’t think it will happen overnight.
5. You need to consult with your dermatologist about your eczema and discuss a course of action.
It is important that you know how you would like to pursue getting your eczema under control and how to find safe and instant cures for eczema. It is almost assured that the dermatologist is going to prescribe a corticosteroid cream and maybe even some pills. Many of them have very little training or incentive to recommend natural products. If that is what you want to do then that has to be your choice. History has shown, however, that these methods may work somewhat for a short period of time but don’t do much for long term relief and may even quit working altogether. They are also not exactly healthy to use for extended periods of time and can do more harm than good.
You need to stay committed and make any necessary sacrifices needed for you to get rid of this irritating skin condition. The first thing then is to follow the 5 recommendations that were discussed in this post for finding safe and instant cures for eczema. Those alone will most likely get your eczema issues under control and maybe even bring you complete relief. Of course eating a very healthy diet, moderate exercise, and avoiding obvious triggers such as stress that cause eczema flareups are just as important.